DR. squatch new hire kits

I created an engaging and playful onboarding experience that captures the brand’s fun, fresh identity. My role involved designing all elements of the kit, from branding and packaging, to fun inserts that align with the company’s quirky personality, and the swag that the employees received. The result was a memorable first impression for new hires, encouraging a smooth transition into the Dr. Squatch culture.

    • Packaging Design

    • Experiential Collateral

Learning in Action

Learning is what keeps my creative spark alive, so when a project has room for it, I will always jump at the opportunity to try something new. Whether it’s taking a course, diving into a great design book, or following inspiring creatives, I’m always looking for new ways to grow. Since you’ve made it this far into my portfolio (👋 hi, fellow design enthusiast!), I’d love to share some of the resources that helped me during this project—maybe they’ll spark something for you, too.

  • I have been following Beth Matthews’ work for a while now, and I adore her use of ephemera. Through reading her blog, I learned about the creative force that is Annie Atkins. 👇

  • Annie is a graphic designer for film, responsible for the meticulously crafted props in movies like The Grand Budapest Hotel —think vintage passports, telegrams, and newspaper clippings that make a fictional world feel real.

    I picked up her book Fake Love Letters, Forged Telegrams, and Prison Escape Maps and took her Domestika course to dive deeper into the art of prop design. Learning from her completely changed how I think about storytelling through design—how even the smallest details can make a world feel alive.

By learning from these talented ladies 👆 I was able to challenge myself to approach projects differently, expand my creative toolkit and escape creative burnout once again.

The paper trail of a legend

